Fall 2020
This Zine was made during the Fall Semester of 2020. I chose the theme of body image issues within the young adult community due to high volumes of social media use.
I continued with a theme of nature colors due to some key terms being inclusivity and acceptance. In the beginning, I included bright yellows, blues, and reds but after further examination realized greens and tans would fit best.
This Zine includes research I personally conducted after interviewing five individuals with ages ranging from 13-21 years old. Two of the interviews being included in the finalized project.
I read two books and watched two documentaries that proved useful for the Zine. I included one book and both movies information that were important additions.
I also designed each and every illustration myself that is in the Zine to make the project completely my own. I had a specific theme I wanted to portray with my images on each page. 
Also, choosing a cursive font with thicker lines was important due to the message of the zine which is inclusivity of all body types, genders, and races. 
Body Image Zine

Body Image Zine
