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How to Stick to Your Philanthropic New Years Resolution

When we think of New Year’s resolutions, most of us think about the underused gym membership or the short-lived pledge to eat healthier. There is another way to use this resolution; as a way to help others.

It’s true that when we make promises to just ourselves, we are more likely to break them than if we are making promises to other people who can hold us accountable. Making a philanthropic New Year’s resolution can pave the way for a brighter future for others and a greater feeling of self-worth and accomplishment.

Here are a few ways of making sure you stick to those promises without them meeting the same grim fate as that unused January gym membership.

Have an End Goal in Sight
One of the biggest reasons people fail to carry out their New Year’s resolutions, philanthropic or not, is the lack of a definite goal. Without an end goal in sight, how can you know where you’re going? You would be like a ship sailing to an unknown and unidentified harbor. Knowing exactly what you’d like to accomplish will help you make a path to get there and serve as a benchmark to see if you have gotten there!

To continue reading, please visit Sarah Laud's philanthropic blog!
How to Stick to Your Philanthropic New Years Resolution

How to Stick to Your Philanthropic New Years Resolution


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