Nostalgic Sojourn

A simulated brief for the National Heritage Board, this documentary style journal is a record of my personal expedition to historically rich neighbourhoods in Singapore, with the aim of educating youths about our housing estates' rich history while encouraging them to visit these places to experience it for themselves.
*This publication was exhibited among other best works in Temasek Polytechnic's School of Design gallery.

This publication consists of a 16pp booklet, and a 3-part documentation of 3 neighbourhoods: Dakota Crescent, Tiong Bahru and Queenstown.

Bookmarks in the iconic shape of each neighbourhood's housing were made, as this is a lengthy publication and the reader may need to mark the page. It also contains a brief description of the neighbourhood.

A map and directions were added at the end of each booklet so that readers can visit the place for themselves and learn about it through their own eyes.

Interesting information about the neighbourhood is included to charm the readers with its uniqueness, and have them realise that our housing estates are not boring.

View Part 1 of the publication here
Nostalgic Sojourn

Nostalgic Sojourn
