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Photo Digitizing Services.

Photo Digitizing Services.

Photo Digitizing Services! To make files that can use for emb work. Meanwhile, You change your Pic into a digitized photo. Which is at hand in our digitizing photos services.
It depends on the style, detail, and size of the pic. That how many stitches it will need to digitize the photo. small stitches and shadows create a similar look to the photo. It is based on the space b/w the stitches.
We’re engage to offer a huge range of Emb Photos. You can order to digitize your favorite dog, cat etc.
Please make out your order. After payment, you’ll receive an email. It will be with the address where you can send your image. All the variance, we agree with you (size, form, etc.).


We accept orders for photo digitizing. it will take 3 – 24 hrs.
Sizes: 4×4″, 5×5″, 5×7″ hoop etc.
Please state desire size in the photo. After we view your photos, we suggest the optimal size. Not all photos will be perfect for the small size of the emb design.

Use a drawing or photo of the dog for digitizing. But, when you digitize the dog design for a real look. It is said to use a photo. Imagine you’re asked to digitize a design of a dog for its owner. Any type of picture you take or is presented to you. Study it in detail. In order to define the path, you’ll take to digitize it. Mark the odd areas. Also, decide as per the size of the design. As to how much detail you will need to include during the emb process. Small designs are easier to design. But in large designs, when the structure isn’t fully defined, sew out comes really flat. Try to pick up noted features of the dog. That will reflect its identity.

Please send us your photos

Get top quality dig. pics for emb at Capital Digitizing. We’re a USA based firm. We are experts in live photo digitizing. Who is best to work on new designs. And change pre-dig files. You can count on us for fast delivery.
Call us any time of the day.

Photo Digitizing Services.

Photo Digitizing Services.
