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Saul Bass CD Case | Spring 2018

This was a CD case design I made for my Graphic Design I class my junior year of undergrad. Our task was to make an album cover based on a famous graphic designer. I chose Saul Bass, a famous film titles designer known for his cut-paper-style and iconic angular typography.
front of CD case
I decided to call my fake band "The Golden Arms" after one of the famous films Saul Bass designed the title sequence for: The Man with the Golden Arm.
back of CD case and sides
I named each of the songs in the album using something that either described Saul Bass's style or something that had to do with his work in general.
inside of CD case, left side
inside of CD case, right side
I named the album "Revolution" because Saul Bass was revolutionary in his field for his time. He was one of the only title sequence designers in the mid-20th century (certainly the most innovative and extensive with his titles), and his art is still looked to for inspiration today.
Saul Bass CD Case | Spring 2018

Saul Bass CD Case | Spring 2018
