Allos Ego

In a world where an endless war takes place, soldiers are as much as harmed by the violence and trauma they gained from the battlefield. Developing PTSD makes it difficult for the victims to build a stable relationship or function in the society in general. The artist is determined to raise awareness of PTSD, which harms the mental health of the victims severely and leads to the increasing rate of suicide and chronic diseases. 

Allos Ego is a representation of the psychological warfare a PTSD victim suffers every day by battling their inner trauma and paranoia. This theme applies to one of United Nation’s 9 agendas which is War, Peace, and Strong Institutions; correlating with the agenda in Good Health and Well Being.

Allos is deployed to defend his country while having to take special care of a wolf cub given by the military, who he later calls Ego. Both creates a special bond and becomes inseparable but trouble arises when Allos goes rabid in the battlefield, harming Ego severely. Discharged from the military, Ego turns vicious due to the trauma, forcing Allos to fight a rather worse battle, against his other self. 

The story is told through three different medias, where viewers can pick up the pieces from each media to build one whole narrative of Allos and Ego.

Allos Ego introduces readers to the unfamiliar social issue of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder accompanied by the story of Allos and Ego which symbolises the disorder in a compelling and engaging way
This mini booklet is bind together with the zine in a very special section. The booklet is a compilation of Allos' emotional journal delivered in a poetic way to emphasise the transition in his mental state developing PTSD.

A deployment letter that consists of an illustrative pamphlet that can be specially seen through customised Instagram Effect. 
Instagram effect & social media :​​​​​​​ @allos__ego

An animation that tells the story of Allos and his manifestation of his alter self, Ego. Allos Ego illustrates the psychological warfare of a PTSD victim inspired by the real life tragedy of Kevin Williams, a former soldier who lost in his battle against PTSD.
Allos Ego