Gathering foreign and local artists, the accompanying program of Student international film festival STIFF is a homage to sound as the fundamental generator of everyday life and as an artistic impulse.

Sound Occupations offer possible answers and raise a set of new questions through occupying the gallery, virtual, radio, and public space of Rijeka with sound. During four days (26th to 29th November) at six locations, citizens are able to experience sound through Everyday Soundtrack – installations and performances in public space, visit SoundBox – a multimedia confession booth ( pop-up gallery Korzo 26C), listen to Chatterbox special show on Radio Roža and visit Sound Occupations exhibition in Palach.

The exhibition catalogue provides an overview of the selected artworks and presented programs. Concept and text are signed by curator Elena Apostolovski, design by Ivana Geček, editing by Maša Drndić and Natalija Stefanović and proofreading by Anja Zidar.
Sound Occupations

Sound Occupations
