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Issey Miyake wood & wood 3.3 oz

Fragrances play a major role in our lives. Years ago, people used to have well-ventilated houses. They used to keep their houses and workplaces open almost all the time. Well- ventilated houses facilitate the flow of air. That helps these houses stay fresh, cold, and nicely smelled. If your house or workplace smells bad, then you cannot stay in them, work in them and breathe in them. Badly smelling houses also affect your health in many ways. They become the reason for suffocation, breathing problems, and lung diseases.

Earlier people also used to grow flower gardens and tea gardens around their houses and workplaces to keep away the bad smell and keep the whole place fresh and breathable. They used to plant a lot of trees and fruits around their respective places. The scenario of the same has changed in recent days. Houses are built in less space and are usually stacked up in one place. Workplaces and houses these days are almost closed, providing non-facilitation of air ventilation.

People now do not have the time to grow and garden trees and flowers. They do not have the time to take care of themselves, leave alone taking care of their houses and workplaces. In a race like this, you just take whatever you get no matter what price without checking up on if you deserve what you are getting and is there anything better in the market. All of this becomes a reason to health deterioration, both physical and mental.

Is that the same case with our bodies?

Without perfumes like the Issey Miyake wood & wood 3.3 oz, the case with our bodies become the same as that of our houses and workplaces. You work the whole day long in the office. Working hard with all the physical and mental movements facilitate your body to produce sweat. Sweat, when it goes unabsorbed or over-absorbed, produces a bad smell. It produces such a strong bad smell that it can be smelt by the ones around you and yourself. Not only does it leave a really bad impression, but it also disturbs your health. If you breathe badly, your physical health will be affected, and if you smell bad, your mental health will be affected, which is equally and probably more bad than having your physical health affected.

What is the solution?

Applying perfumes like the Issey Miyake wood & wood 3.3 oz can facilitate a good smelling body. When people around you pass you compliments about how well and pleasant you smell, your confidence jumps up to another height. For some people, getting complimented for their perfumes is more important than getting complimented on their outfits or accessories. Applying perfumes really makes a difference not just emotionally but physically and psychologically as well. Some people apply perfumes not to impress others but to themselves. These people say fragrances are a way of expressing self-love.
Issey Miyake wood & wood 3.3 oz

Issey Miyake wood & wood 3.3 oz


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