For this project, I was inspired by the legendary Grinch from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (Image reference below). I created a grumpy orange monster named Lars that lives on a mountain in Switzerland and loves to yodel, some may say he is the Grinch's cousin!

Lars is a young monster living in the beautiful mountain ranges of Switzerland. His favorite place to hang out is a lovely little river at the bottom of the mountains. Lars, who is 200 years old, is a gentle spirit that can tell the best dad jokes you will ever hear. However, he is usually grumpy and grouchy… until he starts yodeling!! and once he starts yodeling, it’s very hard to get him to stop! Luckily, he is a very talented yodeler. One of his super talents is he can jump 100s of feet, that is why his cave is near the very top of the mountain!! He learned traditional yodeling from his parents, who learned from their parents, and so on. It is a family tradition. Lars now lives on his own now, with occasional visitors from other mountain-living monsters. In his spare time, he knits sweaters and competes in yodeling competitions. If you ever visit Switzerland, listen closely and you May here Lars’ beautiful yodeling from the mountains!!
Monster Project

Monster Project
