Monster Project
Brainstorming for the concept of the monster was the most fun part of the project. Coming up with a story for him, including his home, friends, and hobbies, heavily influenced the final design. It was an interesting exercise to spend more meaningful time in the early parts of the workflow in order to create a stronger illustration. This illustration most easily lends itself to a children's book character.

Included below is the story that brought inspiration for the design.

Meet Harold. Harold is a raindrop monster. He lives on a lightning bolt in the middle of a Thundercloud. He is a friendly, happy-go-lucky kind of kid. He is easily excitable and loves to help out. Even though he is made out of rain, he has a phobia of getting wet. He is never without his iconic yellow raincoat and bright red rubber boots. He is currently in second grade at Stratosphere Elementary. His closest friend is a Hailey the hail monster. They go on many adventures together all throughout Weatherland. Their favorite activity is flying down the Wind Tunnel. When he grows up, he wants to be a dogdrop walker. He loves to blow bubbles and pick flowers.
Monster Project

Monster Project
