The brief for this project was very open. I was asked to develop an intereactive video that had as a main theme the idea of Hero. 

When given this brief I did a thorough investigation in orther to not come up with a very cliche concept. When invetigating I realized that every article, book, movie and essay ever made about the idea of a Hero always talked about them in individual. Meanwhile I also found that the Heroes in real life are usually groups of people which achieved these big goals or changes. I linked this idea to a very big collective hero moment in history which is the fall of the Berlin wall.

I developed a three storyline video which showed in a parallel narrative  the story of Anne, Sebastian and Berlin. Anne and Sebastian are a real couple that was separated by the wall and had to make their relationship work in spite of being apart. I used these two characters to represent both sides of Berlin, a West and an East Berlin which want to come together and bring down the wall. 

To narrate the story I have picked as a soundtrack the song Heroes by David Bowie which he wrote during his stay at Berlin West in 1977. 

I used the program EKO in order to make the experience interactive.

Author ········ Júlia The Human.
Weapons used ········ Eko, After Effects.

(June 2020)
Heroi(s) "Hero(es)"

Heroi(s) "Hero(es)"
