Enamel Deer Flower Pin
Design Brief: The client wanted an enamel pin to celebrate (Buffalo national river 50th anniversary) their 50th anniversary for their whatever. They requested that the pin be nature related, pulling inspiration from national parks and rivers.
These are the sketches I provided for them
They were drawn towards both the deer and bird. They liked the idea of the bird's wings being flower petals to and the overall curviness of the sketch. Deer is peeking thu lol.
I decided to line both of the sketches to see which ones we liked and how they turn out before adding colors.
We decided to go with the deer illustration and I went ahead with the colors. The client wanted a spring-feeling color palette for their pins, So I went with warm bright pinkish, purple colors to stand out from the deer.
Enamel Pin

Enamel Pin
