In the first 3 years of my career in advertising, I had learnt how to write a brief, interpret it creatively. I had written several headlines and body copy, brochures, flyers, billboards, (heck) emails to clients even, but never a long copy ad. I guess I was naive enough to believe someday an opportunity would present itself and put me to the test. Then I learned, good things don't always come to those who wait. So I stopped waiting. (click to zoom)

During my internship at Ogilvy, Mumbai, I had the good fortune of working on the team that launched a (now) popular daily – 'Hindustan Times'. In a brainstorm session, an art director on the team had a bright idea – "Let's do an ad that looks exactly like a news article about how fabulous HT is and put that on the front page of a competing publication!" Besides the bleak chance of that happening in the real world, it was a super idea. But that also meant someone had to write an 800 odd word article. "Have the intern do it!", said the art guy! Everyone laughed and we all went home.
Three days later, I took this piece of writing to the copy head.
'Can we tell our customers something about our fund that is unconventional?' – That was the brief in a nut-shell.
What came out of it was an honest conversation (and submission) that made the brand seem a little more human.
Long copy


Long copy
