Predicted universal color palette for Spring/Summer 13'. Made in Winter 12'. The theme was Curious passages as doorways serve as passages that connect the universe at large. Pathways join the world into one continuous flow and are understood by everyone around the world. This is why my market segment is not defined, but rather universal, as are doorways.Life is full of unexplainable bizarre things, but it is our curiosity that drives our wonder. My inspiration picture for my color palette came from the multiple doors hanging on the side of the building in an outlandish way. The doors represent many color categories. Some are pastels, some neutral earth tones, and others bright vibrant colors. The pastels allow the viewer to see the worn out side of the world. As the color once stood bright, it is now on its last layer, therefore a lighten pastel. As you look through my pictures, you will be able to see multiple inspirations for how I ultimately choose my colors. The hanging doors were just the beginning. An array of passages leads the curious mind down a winding road of color.     
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Predicted universal color palette for Spring/ Summer 13'.
