Problem Solving
Problem:  Box Park Sushi was an Asian cuisine restaurant being constructed in a unique shipping container mall setting.  The restaurant was being built in an established neighborhood with other competing restaurants serving similar styles of food.  Box Park Sushi needed to establish themselves in a way that helped set them apart from their competitors.

Differentiators:  Box Park Sushi had a unique location being built in recycled shipping containers.  Box Park Sushi wanted to appeal to the young adults at the nearby university and connect with those who agree with Eco-friendly sustainable means, ethically sourced foods and materials as well as contribute to the local community. 
Initial ideas were sketched with marker and paper to provide a multitude of concepts to expand upon.
Initial logo sketch ideation
Box Park Sushi liked the idea of a graffiti based logo and using that theme to help tie in to the local community and work with local artists. 
Logo refinement exploration
Potential Final Design Contenders
Several Eco-friendly themes were also explored, but using fish and shipping containers for a sushi based restaurant in a shipping container mall seemed a bit too cliche.  The final decision was made to move towards an art/graffiti based simplified logo, that kept in a small piece to hint towards their environmental friendliness with the tree centered in the design of a paint splotch.  
Final logo design (result of original graffiti design simplified)
To give the client a quick idea of the direction of the design several vision boards (static and dynamic) were created to help sell the idea of the design and allow for feedback before moving forward.
Static Vision Board of original design direction

Dynamic Vision Board
Research was conducted to explain the use of proposed color palette, typography, media plan and marketing strategy.
Several concept media assets were developed to give an example of how the proposed branding might look in a real life setting or on proposed marketing strategy assets.
Media asset example (not used in final design)
Final Design Media Asset (Chopsticks)

Final Design Media Asset (Pole Banner)
Final Design Media Asset (Signage Example)
Final Design Media Asset (Bus Stop Advertising)
A design guide was created to describe to the customer how the design solution should be used as well as defining why elements should be used.  In addition an infographic was created based on the survey results from online participants to help prove or disprove the effectiveness of the design.
Infograph Survey Feedback
Design Guide Example
Design Guide Example 2

Design Guide Example 3
When comparing to other competing sushi restaurants in the area the Box Park Sushi design clearly stands out among the rest.  Most other sushi based restaurants in the East Side Milwaukee area use the normal cliche designs that incorporate either fish, sushi rolls or chopsticks.  In addition the color palette of nearly all of the competitors used a black and red pattern.  Box Park sushi researched colors that would match the voice and tone utilizing purples to show their creativeness, greens for Eco-friendliness and orange for warmth and friendliness.  With the Box Park Sushi design every item in the design serves a purpose whereas it's competitors within the area only rely on decorating.



Creative Fields