oilvin park's profile

Vegetarian’s Table - My small farm [Project]


Vegetarian's Table
채식인의 식탁 패키지

What does a vegetarian’s table look like?
People have a desire to start a vegetarian lifestyle, but the barriers to starting are so high that many people are hesitant to even try. The Vegetarian's Table aims to provide a special experience for anyone who wants to start a vegetarian lifestyle. The Vegetarian's Table Kit provides a special experience for anyone who wants to start a vegetarian lifestyle. The Vegetarian's Table Kit reflects those thoughts as it contains vegetable seeds that can be easily grown at home even if you do not have a special field or farm and pure tofu spread made without fresh cream or eggs. We developed lively artwork to give the illustrations the personalities of the raw materials and to convey the sense of living a vegetarian lifestyle to consumers who want to start.
The design of the lively artwork was based around the concept of showcasing the enjoyment of eating food made from vegetables grown by one’s own hand. We want to help people understand vegetarianism to encourage people to live an eco-friendly and healthy life.

Year completed: Dec. 2020
What we have done: Visual identity, Package Design, Illustration

Vegetarian’s Table - My small farm [Project]


Vegetarian’s Table - My small farm [Project]
