Stephen Maurice Graham's profile

Christmas Animated for Belfast City Council

Christmas Animated Gifs
I was comissioned by Belfast city Council to create a series of three short animated gifs to be projected around the city when the Christmas lights were turned on, the idea was that I would make something funny for people walking and shopping in the city centre and lampoon the whole disaster that Covid-19 has wrought on so many of us while also keeping the christmas spirit alive!

Below you will see the gifs as well as some stills and I hope you enjoy wtahcing them as much as I enjoyed making them :)
Below: Mistletoe is a mainstay of Christmas tradition bu tthis year it will differ slightly in that we all may not be able to get as close to one another as we used to, in this animation  I celebrate people being reunited or starting off new relationships whilst also making light of our new necessary mask wearing culture.
Below: Some stills from the animation cycle
Below:  With this animation I wanted to capture a snippet of what 2020 felt like, at first a normal enough bit of skiing fun but then...disaster strikes and it's all downhill from there.  This was pretty cathartic to make to be honest :)
Below: Some stills from the animation cycle
Below: This gif was particularly inspired by Tik Tok, the quick cuts users do to change outfits I thought was a cool little editing technique I could use to show a range of locations and types of jumpers while having the character walk towards the camera changes up the animation from the previous two adding variety and pace.
Below: Some stills from the animation cycle
And finally, below are the initial gifs I sent to Belfast City Council to test out the ideas you've seen come to fruition above!  They are a little rough around the edges, yes, but I think these still hold a lot of charm!
Christmas Animated for Belfast City Council


Christmas Animated for Belfast City Council
