I chose to take the photos of my icons in front of this bright yellow background because I like the contrast it creates with the real life examples of my icons and it allows the print outs to stand out more in my opinion. I feel as though it is easy when photographing my work to have the background take over the photo, rather than letting the work speak for itself. But with this background, it gives a pop to the viewer to have it stand out, while still drawing the attention into the designs and process of my project shown in the poster.
For the making of the real life example of my icons, I wanted each work to be a different medium. For breathe, I thought it would be clever to find real life dandelion like plants to show it, being that the digital version of it was representing dandelions. For balance, I knew that I wanted the pink to still stand out and be an accent color, while keeping the intertwine a key component in the design. So, the best way to do this was to cut out paper and color it on my own to keep the original figure. And for repeat, I i knew I wanted to use acrylic paint in some sort of manner outside of the usual way with a brush. So, I used the container and gently made dots from the tip of tube and created this texture. I also think that this was a good choice because it created mini circles that also represent records in that way.
Overall, I am very happy with how these icons came out. It was definitely a hard challenging process to create a minimalist version of each verb that didn't have a direct correlation from the design to the word. But I think that I did a good job in creating the distance in between each, while still allowing them to look like what I am trying to describe in each design. If I were to go back and change anything. I may want to change the weight in some of the lines, such as in the oval-like shaped in the repeat icon.
Icon Project

Icon Project
