Shahane Bakuns's profile

The Food Pantry redesign

Tell us how it started and give context!

Tell us more about the circumstances of your project. 
What was the product you worked on?
Who was the target audience? What problems do the product solve for them?
What was the business challenge your team wanted to solve with this project?
What was your role? Who did you work with?
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At the discovery phase of my project, I conducted user interviews in order to get a better understanding of the problem.
Guiding Questions:

Why did you choose this research method?
What were the research questions?
How many users did you interview?
What were you curious about the most?
What were the main insights you got from the interviews?
What did you change on the design based on the insights?

After we launched the MVP, we wanted to gather feedback from the existing users. We set up an online survey and asked them fill it out.

What type of surveys did you use? (in dept, short, on-site, external)
How many people have filled the survey?
What results did you get?
What decisions did you make based on the results?

Based on the interviews/workshop we set up three personas. We referred to them throughout the entire product development process.

At what point and why did you decide that you need personas?
What kind of methods did you use while developing the personas? (User research, or involving stakeholders?)
What information did you provide about each of the personas? (context, problems, motivations, etc)
How did you present this information to the product team?
How did the personas affect design? What new features or design changes came from the personas?
At which points of the design process did you reflect back on your personas?

User Journey

I mapped out the users’ steps to see how I could simplify their journey to help them reach their most important goals with the product.
Guiding Questions:
Why did you decide to do user journey mapping?
How did you choose the most important user goal to map?
How did you determine the steps of the user journey?
How do the users feel and what do they think at each step of the user journey?
What ideas emerged to improve the experience in certain steps?
How did the user journey mapping help you to design a better product?

Customer Journey

To understand how customers find and interact with the service we created a Customer Journey Map.
Guiding Questions:
What were the steps of the customer journey?
At what point did the user realize the need for a solution?
How do they search for a solution and how does the user find the service?
How do they interact with the service?
What happens after using the service?
What were the main touchpoints at each step where the user contacted with the service?
What were the main pain points for the user during the customer journey?
What solutions did you find to treat these pain points?
What new features or design changes came from mapping the customer journey?

Card Sorting
I decided on the main categories of the webshop with a Card Sorting session.
Guiding Questions:

What was your main purpose? What navigation problems did the website have?
What type of card sorting method did you work with? (Closed or reversed, online or in-person)
How did the participants group the information?
What have you learnt about their mental model?
What kind of new navigation structure did you suggest?
What changes did you propose based on the card sorting?

I usually start the design process with low fidelity wireframes. This is the way I iterate through many design options quickly.

What was the main purpose of your sketches? (presenting, testing, brainstorming?)
How did your knowledge about your users and their goals influenced your sketches?
How many different versions you made?
What were the main differences among these versions?
Which version did you choose and why?
Explain the layout and the arrangement of the elements!
Why did you put the elements to a certain place?
How did your sketches helped you more forward?
At the beginning of my design process I created wireframes for testing purposes.
Guiding Questions

Why was it useful to do this?
What kind of wireframes did you make?
Low fidelity or high fidelity?
What tool did you use for this?
Did you use them for testing?
How many iterations did you have?

User Testing
Before launching the product, I did a testing round in order to reveal possible usability problems.
Guiding Questions

What were you aiming to find out with the user tests?
At which phase of the project did you test?
Who were the test subjects? Did they meet the target group?
What method did you use for testing? (Remote, moderated, etc?)
What user insights did you get from the tests?
How these user insights impacted the design or the next version?

UI Design
Once I tested out all usability mistakes, I started designing the final screens in Sketch.
Guiding Questions:

What kind of visual style did you follow? (Fresh, corporate, dark, light?)
What inspired you to use this style?
Did you follow any guidelines? (Material Design, iOS Styleguide, etc?)
What platforms did you design for?
Which details really fill you with pride?
How does your final design reflect your learnings about your users?
How does this design help achieve business or user goals?
What have you learned from this project?
Explain what you had learned, experienced, or simply how you felt during the project. 

What were your biggest fears, problems, struggles? 
How did you overcome them?

Being honest is a good thing, it means that you are aware of what you’re doing.
The Food Pantry redesign

The Food Pantry redesign
