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Otitis media symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Otitis media symptoms, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment

Otitis media is an inflammation of various parts of the ear, the characteristic symptoms of which are pain and fever. Sometimes it also causes hearing impairment and heavy head. Otitis media treatment requires a competent and timely approach. Otherwise, it can lead to brain damage, paralysis of the facial nerve, and irreversible hearing loss. According to statistics, preschool children are more likely to suffer from ear inflammation. Adults are three times less susceptible to disease.
The types of disease depend on:
- Whether it is acute or chronic;
- Localization of inflammation (internal, middle, and external);
- Causes of damage (infectious and non-infectious);
- Type of inflammation (purulent, exudative otitis media, catarrhal);
- From the place of development (one-way and two-way).
Inflammation of the middle ear is most often diagnosed in children.
Predisposing factors and causes
Factors that raise the likelihood of the disease: frequent respiratory infections, chronic sinusitis and tonsillitis, reduced immunity, previous otitis media, nasal trauma, neoplasms and curvature of the nasal septum.
 In babies, the following factors can contribute to the disease - anatomical features (wide ear canal and Eustachian tube), enlarged adenoids, and frequent colds.
Causes of acute otitis media:

- Infection;
- Chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis;
- Immunodeficiency states and hypothermia;
- Tumor-like neoplasms (polyps, adenoids);
- Injuries (burns, frostbite).
Symptoms in adults
Common symptoms are pain syndrome, redness of the ear canal, and gradual hearing loss. Clinical manifestations depend on the location of the inflammation.
- Otitis externa. The patient complains of pain and itching in the area of the ear canal. The temperature may rise to subfebrile values (37-38 C), putrefactive discharge with an unpleasant odor from the ear may occur.
- Inflammation of the middle ear is distinguished by shooting pain, hyperemia and discharge of pus, symptoms of general intoxication and fever up to 38 C. Quite often, a runny nose, pain and sore throat, and cough join.
 -Typical signs of internal otitis media (labyrinthitis) are dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, and gradual hearing loss. Since this symptomatology is similar to the clinical manifestations of other diseases, the patient is usually referred for a brain MRI, electronystagmography, audiometry, or CT to provide a diagnosis.
Diagnosis of otitis media is based, as a rule, on the patient's clinical examination and otolaryngological examination. For this, otoscopy (examination with an otoscope), otomicroscopy and audiometry are most often used. In some cases, x-rays and computed tomography may be prescribed. In the case of infectious and bacteriological nature, laboratory research methods are used.
The diagnosis and therapy in children has its own characteristics. So, the main role in making a diagnosis in babies under two years old is played by the observations of the mother. Increased anxiety, irritability, breast refusal and crying when pressing on the ear tragus are symptoms, based on which, the mother should immediately sound the alarm. An alarming sign is the baby's tendency to sleep in one position (the child tries to put the sore ear on a warm pillow).
Treatment, as a rule, is conservative and is carried out under the strict supervision of a narrow specialist - an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). The regimen of prescribing medicines and the duration of their administration is also in the competence of the doctor.
- Otitis externa in adults: Local therapy is prescribed in the form of compresses and ear drops. It is advisable to include vitamin therapy and physiotherapy procedures.
- Inflammation of the middle ear: The treatment consists of antibiotic therapy, antipyretic, and pain-relieving medicines. Lavage of the ear canal and anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed locally. Physiotherapy may be added during the convalescent stage.
- Inner ear inflammation: Treatment in most cases is carried out in stationary conditions. The patient is prescribed dehydration therapy, antibiotic therapy and bed rest.
Otitis prevention
As you know, prevention is better than any cure. Ear infections are no exception. The main prophylaxis measures include: a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the immunity, and timely treatment of respiratory diseases. You should also avoid hypothermia and injury. Elimination of chronic foci of infection in the body is the best prevention of both acute otitis media and its other forms.
Otitis media symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Otitis media symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment


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