Book: March Mayhem
Author:An Anthology
Publishers: The Alcove
Year of publication:2020
Cover brief

1. Title of the book
Answer: March Mayhem
2. Author of the book
Answer: Multiple Authors
3. Genere of the book
Answer: Fiction
4. Size of the book
Answer: 8.25 by 5.25, spine  7.5 mm
5. What is the type of the book
Answer: Paperback
6. Medium of publishing
Answer: * Physical
7. About the book
Answer: The book is an Anthology of poems and short stories by writers all across India. It is an Anthology to help writers experience the journey of book publishing
8. Design delivery expectations
Answer: Paperback Book Cover
9. Expected Publishing Schedule
Answer: 2021-03-20
10. Barcode
Answer: waiting
11. Your design Idea about the book
Answer:  mayhem means chaos and March is the spring month. the cover needs to be colorful, bubbly and positive. It is the season for birds to fly around, for lovely flowers to bloom and the earth is bright and happy. 
12. Any specific instructions to be followed while designing
Answer: something more real than animated. like our cover afternoon stars or running flamingos etc. if you check, you can see these  covers
13. Back cover design: Blurb/extract of the book
Answer: in a day
14. Publisher logo availability
Answer: Yes
15. Price point of the book
Answer: Rs 325

March Mayhem


March Mayhem
