Sketchbook I
2019 - present
I love keeping a sketchbook, it’s the place I let my imagination loose and to experiment. There’s no hang ups if I “make a mistake” or “get it wrong” because this is the place to let all my ideas out and play with them. This sketchbook is especially awesome because I made it myself from scratch, using good art paper, washi tape, some double-sided tape and my sewing machine to bind it.
Instead of throwing out old business cards, I use them for experimenting different mediums and techniques...
you may notice some thread and perforated holes were I ran the paper through the sewing machine...
When I was young I liked to make up stories and illustrate them, I continue to do this giving my illustrations back stories. It’d be great to some day make a story book, what age group it’ll be for, I haven’t a clue! 
In a nutshell, this illustration is about two alien worlds. The species of one world is enlightened with telekinetic powers, while the other is in its infancy of obtaining the same gifts, but has become divided by greed (that aul chestnut) An alien from the enlightened world decides to help a tribe on the divided world by rid of the greedy tribes standing in the way of unity...
This a portrait of my nephew Reuben, he’s of that age when he’s seeing the world for the first time and is completely fascinated by it, which inspired my to make this portrait...
This is another portrait, this time of my fella Arden. I was being more playful and imaginative with this drawing and turned him into a shaman surrounded by watermelons and his woofers, the kind of character you’d find in HitchHiker’s Guide...
Sketchbook II
My previous sketchbook was a flex book, which I won at Offsketch 2014. These are amazing sketchbooks to have, I brought mine with me everywhere, even out to the pub, I love how strong, sturdy and bendy these books are...
I like comics, sci-fi and mocking myself, I thought it would be funny to put myself in these scenarios meeting sci-fi characters I love but with it always ending with me yelling noooo!... but I’ve only came up with the two so far.
My first time trying out sharpies, I love how the colours blend


Selected images from my sketchbooks. What makes this sketchbook particularly awesome is I made it myself from scratch using good art paper and my Read More
