Twisted Within
The project is a combination of graphical elements, video footages & motion(efx).
The project visualized the symptoms and the condition of those mentally ill.
Each of the 5 chapters in the project visualized 5 of the mental related illness.
Every title of the chapters are named after a plant which symbolize the particular mental related illness.
Project Analysis
The audience has to view the project as those mentally ill patients.

To be able to fully understand the whole project, the audience has to be aware and alert to observe the minor details in the project. This indicates that we have to be more aware and alert of those minor details of our surroundings so that we’re able to understand them.
The reason behind every chapter of the project uses the same color palette, effects and music is because of stigmas which exist in the society that tends to believe that those who’re diagnosed with any mental related illness are associated with “psychopaths”.

The audience will feel that every chapter(mental illness) of the project seems the same, which indicates that the society tends to categorize all mental related illnesses as “psychopaths” because of the stigmas that exist in our society.
Chapter 1: Sweet Briar (a wound to heal)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Scene 1: A little girl playing alone with balls/balloons. 
This particular scene represents the “childhood” of the patient.
Scene 2: Two teddy bears playing seesaw.
This scene also indicates the childhood of the patient.
Scene 3: A glass bottle(liquor) broke.
The glass bottle which indicates the parents of the patient are alcoholic and abusive. As a result, the traumatic experience occurs during the childhood of the patient.
Chapter 2: Foxglove (insecurity) 
Scene 1: A perfect circle shape slowly turns into irregular shape.
The change of the shape represents the definition of Trypophobia which is an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns.
Scene 2: The irregular circle shape then develops into an eyeball, then followed by a cluster of moving eyeballs.
This scene indicates the fear of the phobia.
Scene 3: All eyeballs(except the center eyeball) are focusing to the center eyeball. 
This represents the discomfort of those mentally ill when people from their surrounding keep looking at the patient with preconceptions. Those eyeballs eventually begin to develop into distorted versions which represent the discomfort of the patient when they encounter their fear.
Chapter 3: Marigold (grief & pain) 
Alzheimer’s disease
Scene 1:  A pair of hands is counting the pills.
The wrinkle hands indicates those elderly who have the disease. While there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease or a way to stop or slow its progression, there are drug and non-drug options that may help treat symptoms.
Scene 2: An apple held by a wrinkle hand is passed to another hand.
There are 2 views that the audience can obtain from this scene:

1. The apple represents the memories of the patient. The apple is then passed to another hand. This indicates that the memories of the patient who’ve lost are remembered or kept by their family.

2. The apple represents the disease. The apple is then passed to another hand. This indicates the fact that Alzheimer's disease can be passed down(inherited) to the next generation.
Scene 3: A pair of wrinkled hands turning the next page of the photo album.
The photos inside the album represent memories of the patient. The following page of the album did not contain any photos/pictures because of the memory loss.
Chapter 4: Thorn Apple (disguise) 
Scene 1: An emotionless woman(the patient) slowly drowned to the bottom while her face getting more and more distorted. She can be seen smiling in the end. 
The distortion of her face represents the depression which slowly drowned her. The smile in the end indicates no matter how serious the illness is, yet those patients still have to disguise themselves that they’re fine.
Scene 2: A woman looking at herself through a mirror. 
Looking at herself through the distorted mirror which split her face into 2 sides indicates one of the symptoms of depression which is self-loathing. It is a strong feeling of worthlessness or guilt.
Scene 3: A depressed looking woman whose face is split into 2 sides looks to the right with a smiley face. 
The depressed looking woman represents the patients. The smiley face in the end indicates the patients have to hide their depression from others.
Chapter 5: Yellow Carnation (rejection)
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Scene 1: A bold man is painting himself using a brush.
This scene indicates the uncontrollable actions of the patient.
Scene 2: A pair of hands is adjusting the position of a basket multiple times. 
This indicates the symptoms of OCD which is compulsion of putting things in order or arranging things until it “feels right”.
Scene 3: A hand can be seen putting back the sewing threads to its respective location.
This also indicates the symptoms of OCD which is obsessions related to perfectionism which concern about evenness or exactness and compulsion of putting things in order or arranging things until it “feels right”.
Design & Development
source: title
Twisted Within