The grass is whimiscal and farie like.  Then you look up and see these playful ribbons of tape causing tension in the space.  It forms a contrast between the naturall and man-made aspects of this envirement.
It looks as though the leaning tree is pulling the flagging tape towards the right.  This tension adds energy to the piece.
Experimenting with breaking up space through the angles formed by the artwork.  The x is very exact and tight, displaying the tension I had aimed to create.
Everything looks tight.  Exact. 
The golden orange alludes to Christo's golden gates. 
The space before I began to install the artwork.
The installation aims to add tension and energy to the natural environment. By extended the artwork outwards, the viewer is able to feel as though they are interacting with the work.


Works that highlight space that would comonly go unnoticed.
