Know Your Onions
‘Know Your Onions’ has been created - a vegetable gardening app enabling aspiring vegetable gardeners to order an appropriate vegetable-garden-in-a-box online that is suited to their living space, commitment and needs.
The kit comes totally arranged, all the user needs to do is water the pots to start the process going. More starter plants or whole boxes can be ordered, as ambitions and success encourages diversification into new vegetables. 

The app is an easy guide to help them through every step and bump on the road to self-sustainability. The shopping basket (e-commerce) anticipates green fingered users’ needs, encourages experimentation and feeds their imagination.
The app is designed in an illustrative and simple way to make the whole process easier for the user. The user orders a custom size vegetable garden box with the appropriate vegetables for their environment. 

The user can then monitor the vegetable’s progress through the calendar, know what care tasks his plants need, as well as having alerts alerts for care such as watering. Moreover, the user can simply grow their garden by ordering new boxes with other vegetables.
No more surfing the internet, consulting gardening books or relying on word of mouth; the user is provided with easy-to- follow care instructions, as well as help from advisors and the community, recipes for the vegetables they’re growing and simple means to monitor progress from seed to harvest all through the app. 

A health feature is available to help the user prevent their vegetable from certain diseases and common mistakes.
The Know Your Onions box is delivered fully prepared; all they need to do is open it, position it in front of a window (it’s designed for indoors) and add water to the soil to start their horticulture. 

The kit is very reusable, made with ecologically appropriate materials and will be a welcome addition to almost any window, particularly once the vegetables start sprouting.
Know Your Onions


Know Your Onions
