琰 chan's profile


I dream a lot, they are my ideas for drawing and creating, some are dark, some are bright, now I illustrate them to you, maybe you saw it familier in your dreams, haha...

When I create, Piano songs make me calm and have patient to continue, other times I may choose Linkin Park or Imagine Dragons... 

Here I recomand you to listen to this song while viewing my illustrations...
时常梦到坠入深渊的沉重感 但想着就算下坠 也要抱着暖暖的云朵 不再惧怕黑暗
I dreamed a lot about falling, into the deep deep dark area, but I hope this time I can carry a piece of warm and bright cloud, so I won't be afraid any more.
黑夜里 一个人站在天台 远处充满了未知 点燃手里的烟花 给自己打气 也给在远方孤独的你一份希望
Late at night, I was alone on the platform, I still have no ideas about my future, so I light the fireworks in my hand, hoping I can be better and stronger, also wishing you have hope to contine to walk.
一只小船在平静的水中摇曳 四周都是黑暗的未知 怀中抱着温暖明亮的星星 有种就像被捧在手心的安全感 不再害怕前行
One lonely boat drifted on the peaceful river, surrounded by unknown darkness, a little girl was carring a bright and warming star, as if she was holding by two warm hands, she felt no more lonely at all.
深秋 树上的叶子都黄了 我一个人在河边 还好你来了 一起跳舞吧
Autumn was coming, all the leaves were singing, I was alone by the river, oh, there you are~ Let's dance,my dear.
夜晚的风是孤独的 望着窗外的鲸 不知道它是否找到了回家的路
The wind was cold at night, I looked at the whale swiming in the milky way, hoping he found his way home.
静寂的森林里 鹿的低鸣吸引了暗处的豹子 是指引它还是逃跑
In the deep forest, the deer was moaning, alluring a leopard in the dark, whether it was lost or it needed guide.
                                                               Thank you !



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