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Osiris & Isis Opening Sequence

Osiris and Isis
Moving image project:

Based on the short story of Osiris and Isis, the aim of this animation is to create a Netflix esc. opening sequence that appeals to a slightly more mature audience with a drama genre feel to the sequence. I want to use an illustrated style to try and work on developing my skills within Illustrator and re-enforce After Effects skills. Furthermore, I wanted the sequence to flow smoothly throughout from scene to scene and avoid looking child like. Furthermore, I want themes within the story to be reflected within my sequence, such as its Egyptian origin.

The story continuously mentions elements found in nature, such as the River Nile, throughout the story. I found that each of these elements can be linked to a specific character within the story so I thought I could use this within my visuals to pin point important parts of the story in an inconspicuous way so I’m not actually telling the story.

Ra: “he flew into the sky and became the sun” - as an important and starting figure of the story, I opened my piece with the sun as a representation of Ra and his power.

Osiris: Osiris’ death is a major factor of the story, “Set killed his brother Osiris, and chopped him into little pieces. He threw the pieces into the Nile river”. I associated this part of the story with the idea of blood rising in the River Nile.

Isis: ”When Isis cries, the Nile will rise”, I could see another association with water here such as the river Nile or tears/ raindrops (being along the environmental route)

I want my sequence to be based around the nature and geographical elements to try and bring across the idea of Egyptian themes, this is due to the environment and the river Nile being key factors for Egyptian civilization and an influence on Egyptian culture and art as well as mentioned within the story. I will create illustrations using elements (plants) similar to that seen around the river Nile and also Egyptian style music.
I want to avoid a clean look to my image and therefore I will try and add texture to my images like that of ancient Egyptian art. Therefore, I used a charcoal brush to create a stone like texture within illustrations. Also, I tried to stick to a structured colour palette of 6 colours as Egyptian art colour palettes were not limited as such but were strict consisting mostly of six colours that were often paired; Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White and Black,  silver and gold. Each of these colours has meaning and were often symbolic, its important meanings are often linked to the gods/ goddesses of the land.

Osiris & Isis Opening Sequence