
The Antihero (A2K) / Hero (A2000) concept for the respective 2021 glove lines was born of the desire to change the perception of what a ball glove can represent. That and the client’s ask to create an obvious separation between the two lines while maintaining brand relation and a shared elite status.
Intended as a natural extension of the Game Models but ultimately passed on. Click to see the selected work.

Brainstorming unveiled a correlation to the similarities and differences between Deadpool and Superman. An antihero and a hero. Both strive to accomplish essentially the same goal, but with their own style and signature look. The unique materials and exclusive colorway used to build the A2K line gave an opportunity to lean into the more aggressive, edgy, almost dangerous nature of the Antihero. With the A2000, ballplayers already know it as a proven classic; A tried and true-blue natural Hero - with upgrades. This shift in attitude and perceived nature is represented with a cleaner layout and brighter palette with spotlight phrasing that calls out the lines updated "powers".

Digital & Social Ideation



digital, social
