These are some of the pictures I used for my 3 mad-lib projects, representing the theme "magical". Although I did use a few paint brush tools that I downloaded from brusheezy for my 3 pieces.
My first mad-lib project is going to have floating manta rays, using a bubble above the ground connected by electric wires in a field of power-lines. I got this inspiration from my own passion of marine life, and wanted to make something extraordinary in a unique style

So, what I did first was I got a picture of a barren landscape and made a brush out of it. Next I found a sky and made a messy version brush of a it which made it act like oil paint by using the "Vivid Light" option... I did this for both the background, road that I cut out later for a brush as well as the actual land. I had trouble finding good powerlines so I got rid of the first one and found a picture on brusheezy and then used the "linear burn" option. The finishing touches was adding the manta-rays with a few stars here and there, as well as a fading moon with bubbles and electricity on the "Color Burn" option. I also added some other texture variation into the sky just to give it more depth. 

My next project is going to include tree jungle lamps with fireflies and an alligator in a swampy area.  I thought of this idea because me and my family always went to Florida where we encountered many bogs and swamps along the way including a few alligators while we were in a boat.

For the start of this project I decided to find a brush from brusheezy that represented a swamp. I then got rid of some of the wild life with the rasterized layer. Next I used tree brushes as way to help save time and put it in the background. next I made some swamp brushes with bamboo and filled some of the shcrubs with that. Last I added a crocodile, smoke/fog, fireflies, as well some forest lamps hanging off of the branches.  I used a few flames to put in the lanterns. I used "difference" for the lamps and "multiply" for the alligator. 

For my final piece it is going to feature 2 buildings in the background on the lake with mountains and forest land and a unicorn. I thought of this from one of my most favorite book series Harry Potter. instead of using a castle I used a modern day skyscraper instead. This one took me the longest because, I made every brush including the buildings by scratch besides the trees.    
First I created a brush landscape using a forest background. I then went ahead and made a blue layer and background shading just to make it more like a forest I then added trees, stars, fireflies, and a moon with multiple ellipses... I added fog over all of these things which which helped it have more depth. I decided that there were too many fireflies so I got rid of most of them. Later I made a unicorn brush and put placed it in my landscape. I then added mountains, and created my own buildings using a "Rectangle Marquee Tool"... Although I did decide to get rid of a the 3rd building.I lowered the opacity of a few of the objects so the viewers perspective is skewed. for the fireflies I used "Lighter Colors" option. 
MadLib Project

MadLib Project
