Kat de Sonnaville's profile

Renew Life Probiotics Campaign

Renew Life Probiotics - Full Campaign 
This is one of my favorite projects from undergrad where I got to work with The Clorox Company to solve problems, implement a solution, and work with the company to make it happen. 

In this real-world project we studied MRI data, personal shopper psychographics from Walmart, and research journals to solve a problem, brand recognition. 

We discovered the issue with the client, discussed the context and the challenge. Through our research I created a target audience and later a consumer persona of our everyday shopper. We go over 3 simple objectives and ways to measure them at a later date. We go over our execution of topics through the communication and media strategy and a budget allocation of $500,000. Finally at the end of the report we discuss the evaluation and the possible ROI's. 
At the beginning of the campaign we learned the brand struggled with brand recognition. We also discovered, people did not understand that probiotics need to be taken regularly to show results. Through this reasoning, we chose the tag line, "It's a daily thing," as well as, "Nothing happens over night."
Above, you can click to expand the images. We discuss the Big Idea, "Showcase Renew Life as a daily routine to show Renew Life promotes a healthy lifestyle and delivers long term benefits." Then we look over Consumer Insights which we later use to create the Consumer Persona

We make sure that everything is working to help the client 
achieve three objectives:
1. Increase Brand Recognition 
2. Increase Sales
3. Increase Retention 

Along with three corresponding KPI's:
1. Increase Renew Life brand recognition in Walmart from 8.6% to 15% by the end of June 2020*.
2. Increase Renew Life sales from females 25-44 by 20% in Walmart by the end of the fiscal year (June 2020).
3. Increase Renew Life retention from 44% to 50% by the end of June 2020. 
Since we had a budget of $500,000 dollars, we decided to create a diverse media strategy with a large amount of the budget going toward online advertising, coupons, and paid influencer's. The full breakdown of how we chose to spend the budget can above as labeled, "budget allocation."

I personally loved the Race for the Cure partnership. Our plan was to geofence Walmart specific Renew Life Probiotic ads at the beginning and end of the race lines. We also planned to partner with other Clorox Company brands to create a "grab bags," filled with an informational pamphlet about Renew Life probiotics as well as a Brita water bottle, Burt's Bees chap stick, and a few other Clorox Company products. This tactic reaches our audience, educates the consumer, and helps spread brand awareness by associating Renew Life probiotics with other well known brands.  
For more information check out my contact information

Contact: (918) 600-8143

Renew Life Probiotics Campaign

Renew Life Probiotics Campaign
