Store Run: A Photo Journal
Exploring Layers, Selections, and Image Compositing with Photoshop
We were asked to demonstrate our proficiency to construct a composite image using the rule of thirds, a textured background, and selections via a layer mask. Lastly, we needed to include text to support the composition. 
As the elements began to come together I was reminded of a Target ad which
  I opted to lean into, imagining the end result was for a web banner or print ad.

  UPDATE: original work has been removed due to Target branding.
This image was a little difficult to mask because there wasn't a hard transition between the child and the original background color. Masking the hair proved to be a challenge, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I attempted to soften the outline of the selection with refine edge brush, but the top of the hair is still a bit 'flat' unfortunately.  Despite the difficulties, I enjoyed the aesthetic of this image and how it appeared the little girl was thinking about something. This helped me create a story and concept for the image.

I located a great lollipop background that paired well with the little girl, but I was worried it would be too busy for the font elements I needed to include. After masking a few of the lollipops I was able to carve out some space for the header. This edit allowed the various elements to breathe, and placed emphasis on the header without forcing the elements to compete for the viewer's attention. I varied the opacity of each image to further blend the different elements into one, and adjusted the contrast and saturation of the little girl slightly to tone down the original image edit.

I followed the rule of thirds and the Z pattern visual flow to position the image, where I intended to answer these three questions: 
-Where will the viewer’s eyes initially go (the focal point)?
-Where’s the second place the eye will go?
-Where does the viewer’s eye finally end up?

I initially wanted to draw the viewer's eye to the 'Target Run and Done' text, where they would be directed to the little girl, and then to the callout to visit the website, but to due copyright complications this text has been removed in place of a simple header. It's very likely the viewer will be drawn to the little girl first, but this also works, as her gaze should also point the viewer to the header. I hoped to establish a focal point for the viewer with these approached, while selling the idea that these images were designed as one, and not composited. 

I originally had the header in one variation of Helvetica, but felt I missed an opportunity to properly draw attention to the header and add variety. I ended up minimizing and changing the weight of a portion of the text as a result. 
Adobe Photoshop 
Image of little girl is provided by instructor
Lollipop image is courtesy of Amy Shamblen for Unsplash​​​​​​​

 "Image Compositing" 
Illustrative Imaging
D. Thompson 2020
"Composite Image"

"Composite Image"
