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How to Buy Links to Increase Your Page Rank and Increase Traffic to Your Website
If you are wondering the best way to increase your website ranking you should definitely consider the old adage of purchasing links. Many of the top online businesses buy links that have resulted in thousands upon thousands of new visitors to their website.

There are two places that are highly recommended for buying links. First you can go to eBay.  Then type in the word "page rank" and you'll be able to see where you can buy links. However, make sure the sites you find are relevant to your site topic. You have to ensure that these sites are relevant enough to get you links.

Another popular place you can go to in order to buy incoming links is Linkadage. Linkadage has actually recently resulted in some really positive results for those using their service. LinkAdage now offers webmasters four ways to improve offsite optimization by increasing incoming links to their website with text link advertising. They do this through Linkadage Auctions, Brokerage, Link Exchange and Link Exchange Forum. This is a great way to increase your sties traffic and ranking in the search engines.

Some other ways you can increase your page rank and traffic with inbound links (links coming into your site) is through article submission sites. You can write articles on topics related to your website and then submit them to article sites like GoArticles or EzineArticles. These sites are highly ranked and would expose your articles to others who can use them because your article topics are also related to their website topic. These sites post your articles on their sites creating even more links entering your site. 

GoArticles and EzineArticles are free article submission sites (as most are), but you can find some that are paid. But these are free and can get your website a ton of traffic!
Another excellent method of increasing your websites traffic is with press release submission. Sites like PRWeb and PRNewWire  are great places to start in order to give your website some added exposure.

To tell you a little more about these sites:
PRWeb is an online press release submission site that is the recognized leader in online news and press release distribution. They serve over 40,000 customers of all sizes worldwide.  Now if that doesn't say exposure, I don't know what does. See now buy links

PR Newswire on the other hand, is the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional communicators.  The press releases submitted here go to the top news publications. They are definitely a must-use source for any business that has new information that needs to be announced to the world.

Although these methods may cost you money and time it may be well worth it for growing your business. Remember, it's all about links. The more links you have the quicker you'll grow your business. It's really that simple. Take the time and invest some money and see the results in the long run. It's well worth the effort!



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