"grow green" is an identity system for a preeens television show. It teaches kids in a fun and interactive way about the environment, global warming, the connectivity of the ecosystem, and how to be eco-friendly. It uses home projects, examples of other people and communities contributions, and visual graphics to teach kids how they can make a difference.

The concept for the logo came from looking at organic shapes and colors found in nature. I eventually settled on an abstract form of the rings of a tree, which symbolize both growth and strength. The colors are natural but still fun and kid friendly.

This is the folder for the identity system. It would be made out of recyclable materials and soy inks.
The inside of the folder.
DVD case, front.
DVD case, right side.
Business Card and envelope.
Back of business card envelope.
Text reads:
"Step 1: Take seeds from envelope."
"Step 2: Plant somewhere that needs a little green."
"Step 3: Get growing already!"
Back of business card and seeds.
grow green

grow green

Identity for young teens show about "growing up green" and being eco-friendly.


Creative Fields