Wiktoria Jarosz's profile

shaDWELL CLT Housing


Housing Estate
Cable Street

Community is key in the new development. Occupants want to SHARE spaces and feel safe within their homes. The dwellings should be a mixture of all sizes, including larger family-sized homes, as well as a being a flexible space that can grow old with its occupants. To fulfill the desires and to ensure the residents enjoy living in the homes, ‘each home should have a moment of generosity’. This moment could potentially be the kitchen/ dining area which will ultimately become the heart of the home or the living room where all family members can gather. This should also be true for the outdoor space: widened walkways would allow for planting; gardens that allow for social gatherings; and play areas for the children that through design can be subconsciously overlooked by parents. Every aspect of the design should keep in mind the potential of the site by using all available space, while creating a safeguarded community.
shaDWELL CLT Housing

shaDWELL CLT Housing
