Aswin k's profile



(A Taxi Service)

The Task

The task was assigned on creating a logo for a visionary taxi service company named "CABI". The main objective of this project was all about having a better understanding and knowledge on Design System.

The process involves in building a Design system which focuses mainly on brand identity that includes creating the logo,color palette,typography,etc following the 7 key design elements that makes a brand identity which is
strong,consistent and attractive.

The initial stage was on analyzing the clear purpose and positioning of the company . then i had done thorough market research in order to  make a choice on the target audience. third step was on considering the brand personality since it plays an important role in brand identity that is if a personality isn't established, customers will get mixed messages and have trouble connecting with the brand. then it comes to prototyping stage which include trying variants of logo with attractive color palette and professional typography.

Logo Design Process:

These are the few logo variations that i tried on behalf of this project and finalized with a minimal design.

The Final Logo

The logo idea is based either on the company name or it's positioning. After trying various design the logo is finalized with a minimal design style
which shall be comprehended and easily recognized by age group from 18 to 60. 

Combination mark (a pictorial mark and a word mark) logo is chosen for this taxi service. The "location" pictogram incorporated into the letter "C" symbolizes the characteristic of the service the company provides or communication as a marketing goal. The logo simplicity and metaphor clearness  creates the right tone of voice. it tells customers about the company's reliability and going-over.

Logo Anatomy

The logo is constructed using basic geometric shapes in order to achieve minimal design style. The design was done in simplest form so to give the brand it's unique style in comparison to brands in similar industry.

The Color Palette

Choosing the color palette for a brand is like selecting the emotions and associations that we are seeking to evoke. Thus the psychology of colors is an important to consider while building an identity for a Brand. Here for my logo design both the primary and secondary colors comes with gradient and flat color scheme as well. 

My primary colors includes the black and white color scheme in which gradient style is given a head. this color scheme was given in order to achieve minimal design style. 

The secondary colors includes yellow , black and white which are taken as classic color for taxi service all over the world.

1. Primary Colors:

2. Secondary colors:


The Exclusion Zone

The logo and icons Exclusion Zone is equal to half the height of the icon (marked as 'x' in the diagram) 

Clear space Exceptions

Placement of logo depends upon the type of communication and the use.

Best Practices



