_''tell your quarantine in 40 seconds''
_realized during quarantine, filmed in my home
_realized for a university workshop

A girl is in quarantine during the general lockdown imposed for the pandemic. She spend her days between airports to treat bronchitis and walk inside the garden, while the television daily broadcasts the bulletins of the dead and the infected. She starts to get sick, she’s having trouble breathing, and her doctor tells her she’s probably got the virus. While she waits for the arrival of the doctors, the anxiety upsets her and she finds no other way of salvation than to try to escape from reality. He runs into his garden, walks through this landscape that has become dark and dry, in search of light. He finds peace in nature and finally begins to breathe, realizing that his illness was not caused by the virus but by the panic broadcast on television. Observing nature he finds a trick to survive by closing in herself, like an urchin, in her mental garden.



__''tell your quarantine in 40 seconds'' __videomaking workshop at Università IUAV di Venezia __realized during quarantine, march 2020 __filmed i Read More
