Instructional Audio Project: Little Red Cap
Duke University's Dr. Norberg, was asking for help because he was teaching an undergraduate course on the Grimm Fairytales. Dr. Norberg wanted to have a 8-10 minute audio story featuring one of the Grimm's Brothers Fairytales. I selected Little Red Cap, or also known as Little Red Riding Hood. 
The Little Red Cap image that I created for the audio story.
Second Draft:
Here is the second draft that I turned in.
This is the second draft. After getting peer reviews on my script first draft, I was able to create my audio story. I started working with music, sound effects, and vocal work. 
Final Turn in
The final draft that was turned in for this project
By far this has been one of my favorite projects to work on. I added to the voices in the story, I made everything near perfect! I received a 100% on this project.
Little Red Cap


Little Red Cap
