The Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel and the FDA

The second reason is an attempt to control Cartel Health weaker nations by, quite literally, further weakening them by, en , compromising the immune systems of the populace. A third reason cited by a group of people dubbed conspiracy theorists is an attempt at depopulation not unlike the grotesque eugenics experiments used by the Nazis during World War II.

In France, however, after a prolonged battle and a public outcry, 15,000 citizens filed a class action suit against the government that resulted in the authorities halting the forced Hepatitis B vaccination campaign among school-going children. Unfortunately, the vaccine had already taken a heavy toll.

WHO's fault is it?

The fact is that some of the world's biggest philanthropic foundations and as well as corporate houses sponsor some of the world's most notoriously controversial projects. And if you are wondering where all this is leading, you might want to bear just one thing in mind. These are the same individuals and groups behind WHO diktats on mass immunization and other so-called health programs.

Take, for instance, the Eugenics Movement, which started around the turn of the 19th century. The movement, in its present form, is a modern-day population control agenda spearheaded by wealthy developed nations concerned that a burgeoning 'third world' is consuming large amounts of scarce resources that will deprive the 'first world' of these resources. Among these prized resources is oil.

When people like these exercise significant 

These 'philanthropic' foundations work in the shadows; they influence legislation and exercise control over government policy through organizations such as the WHO, World Bank, UNICEF as well as governmental bodies such as the CDC and FDA. I don't believe they set up these and similar incredibly complex and influential organizations that are designed to assume the role of a world government just to make our life on earth easier. Those who control natural resources, food supply, water, travel and education control pretty much everything and everyone.

When people like these exercise 

Add to this the nexus with Big Pharma and the picture fully unravels. When people like these exercise significant control over your health, they pretty much have control over your body, life expectancy, your children, and, in reverse, your ability to resist their methods and motives. Of course, it's a symbiotic relationship, with the world's biggest pharma companies funding these foundations and serving on their boards.




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