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Slot machine for SALE – “Sea Cruise”

Sea Themed online slot game
To see the huge figure of the Buddha, the Mayan statues or the Aztec pyramids, it is not necessary to make a tiring flight. It is much nicer to hit the road on a comfortable cruise liner. Just imagine: the vast sea, the freshness of salt spray, unique sunsets and sunrises on the water. A snow-white vessel carries travelers towards adventure. The game reels in the “Sea Cruise” slot demonstrates all the delights of a sea voyage. The reels are designed as a high-tech control panel. Each symbol on it promises the pleasure of a cruise and of the game. The background behind the reels beckons you to immerse yourself in azure water and swim racing with the fish. And then, on the shore in the shade of palm trees, you can enjoy the view of the volcano, listen to the sound of the waterfall and dream about the next day when the liner piers to the new shore. If you are interested in our new product, you can purchase it at our store –
Slot game background is an amazing landscape, which can be seen on the islands of the Caribbean Sea or in the Pacific Ocean. The purest sand and dense greens are the perfect combination for relaxation. Even if you just go on a yacht past such a picturesque island, you can get aesthetic pleasure. A stormy waterfall flows from the mountain, a rainbow is visible above its spray. On the background, one can see how clear the water is on these shores: coral reefs and schools of fish seem to invite you to linger and go diving. And players will want to immerse themselves into the atmosphere of the game and not emerge into reality for as long as possible.
High symbols – bright triggers that associates with the pleasure of a cruise. Bonus symbol – a pair of lovers on the deck. What could be more romantic than to hug your sweetheart on a gorgeous liner, enjoy the sunset and watch the flight of seagulls? The famous scene from the Titanic, where Jack in love holds Rose at the railing, is the perfect picture that most girls would like to repeat. Remember, in the movie, Rose says: “I’m flying!”. The same feeling of lightness and flight arises when looking at the Bonus symbol.
Scatter symbol – a luxuriously laid table. A rich table setting, champagne, lobster and fruit – this is a dinner that has nothing to do with everyday life. A cruise is an opportunity to break out of everyday life and feel what it is – dolce vita.
Wild symbol – two deck chairs in the shade of palm trees. How wonderful it must be to be alone in this paradise! To sit nearby, admire the surf and don’t worry about anything. It’s hard to come up with the best picture to illustrate your perfect vacation.
The next symbols are images, dedicated to the liner. It is enough to look, to imagine how nice is to travel on such a ship. On a huge bed in the cabin travelers are waited for a gift. It can be seen that the staff takes care of the guests from the very beginning of the cruise until the moment of farewell. On a hot day you can refresh yourself in the pool on the deck. Sun loungers under umbrellas suggest a relaxed mode throughout the trip. Did you notice a white towel with brand embroidery? Everything is top notch on this ship! The symbol depicting the ship itself is admirable. When looking at such ships, tourists in the ports freeze with delight. And what can we say about the lucky ones who spend their holidays on such a snow-white handsome ship – they really feel that life was set. That’s the captain’s wheelhouse with the helm. Of course, guests will not steer the ship. But this symbol reminds players that they are the captains of their lives. And finally, a cabin with a pool table. One can imagine how companies while away the evening playing the game: there are unhurried conversations, balls with a bump hit the side and fall into the pocket. The atmosphere of excitement, well known to the players, comes from green cloth. Please note that all symbols are framed in the form of a porthole. It is as if we are peeking at what is happening on the liner.
And final set of symbols reminds that a cruise is not only a vacation on the liner itself. Each new stop is an acquaintance with new sights. Wear sunglasses and go to an excursion faster. What awaits travelers today? Perhaps the majestic Buddha, frozen in meditation. Or a pyramid, the sizes of which are amazing. Someone like the Mayan and Aztec world. Why not to try to solve their puzzles by studying the statues? It is important not to forget about souvenirs. A memorable keychain or a bottle of local wine is a great choice. There are travelers who have a goal – just a sea vacation. For them, a symbol with a shell and a starfish is provided. They reveal the beauty of the underwater world.
Screens of Pay tables continue the theme of a modern ship. The font, chrome frame and color of the plates – everything points of technology.
Symbols and all the necessary information are well read on a dark background.
Congratulation screens are decorated in the same style. They have a light background, similar to the liner body. The frame is the same steel color, but different in shape.
Modern fonts complement the style of the slot.
Slot machine for SALE – “Sea Cruise”