The client was interested in building a user-based platform. A network of trusted, qualified partners and contributors that will operate all areas of business. They will help focus only on the purpose and mission of their users.

Every member of the network is there to pursue their own passion and provide expertise only in areas that are aligned with their purpose.
- Partners
- Purpose & Trust Network
- Contributors
- Businesses

● Value Proposition
● Business Architect
● Concept Development
● Prototype Design
● Visual Concept
● Persona(s)
● Marketing Content

An economy that’s Collaborative not competitive.
The Purpose & Trust Economy

What is your purpose?
What inspired you to start your business?

What do you want to do everyday that makes you fulfilled?
Take some time and think about it…

What if you could…
Drive with purpose.
Follow your passion.
Trust a network to handle the rest.
They are the service providers. A network of qualified and already established businesses who are experts in their field. They have been examined by the network to make sure they are aligned with our Purpose & Trust vision and guidelines.

● Creative Agencies
● PR Agencies
● Printing Companies
● Law Offices
● Human Recourse Centres
● Advertising Companies
● Technology Platforms
● Event Organization Companies
● Publications
● Manufacturers
● Design Agencies
● Accounting Firms
● Staffing Agencies
● Construction Companies
● Sales & Marketing Organizations

They are highly skilled and passionate individuals who join the network to work on projects that they love. They provide high quality work that best fits their purpose.
They have been pre-qualified and tested on their skills. They have gone through a series of personal and professional screenings to assure that the projects they receive best fit their expertise. Contributors are committed to our Purpose & Trust vision and guidelines.


● Photographers
● Designers
● Writers
● Developers
● Videographers
● Office Admins
● Sales Representatives
● Accountants
● Trainers
● Consultants
● Project Managers
BUSINESS Collaborators 

Businesses and CEO’s in need of a trusted and passionate team who can drive any area of their business. They have a vision and purpose, which is why they started their business in the first place. But they also have a long list of to-do’s, improvements and research in order to survive in the competitive landscape of the digital age. They want to focus on their purpose and they understand the value of having a trusted network to handle the rest.

● Small Business
● Retailers
● Marketing Agencies
● PR Firms
● Manufacturing Companies
● Law Offices
● Restaurants
● Night Clubs
● Accounting Firms
● Job Agencies
● Print Shops
Klear PR Agency is a reputable public relations company in Toronto with 30 employees. For over 20 years Klear PR has worked with Enterprise clients in lifestyle and retail sectors. Klear PR generates $11 Million of business per year.

John Green, the CEO of Klear PR, is a passionate leader with a great vision for his company. He is a father of 2, travels more than 5 times per year and wants to spend more time with his family. He is passionate about being the voice of his brand, attending speaking opportunities and teaching young entrepreneurs how to manage their business.

John is a perfectionist. He needs to make sure all areas of his business are operating at his standards. This is hard to keep up with, as John is also involved in high level business meetings, creating new partnerships, traveling etc.

Big Challenges:

His clients are asking for more digital marketing initiatives and lead generation for their brand.  His existing team is highly skilled in other areas of business. He’s tried to outsource these services to other agencies and freelancers, but always had issues with delivery, quality and commitment. He’s decided to hire 3 new employees to keep his clients engaged, elevate the skillset of his team and create new opportunities for his business.

He needs to:

– Find the right talent
– Hire, On-Board and Train employee
– Add Office Space
– Allocate an average budget of $60,000 per year for each employee
– Total cost for Klear PR: ~ $200,000 Per Year


With a subscription to our network of Purpose & Trust Economy, John Green is able receive 150 hours of service in all areas of his business. At a cost of $12,000 Per Month, Klear PR is now able to provide best in class digital services to their clients. They are no longer a PR Agency, but an industry leaders in PR, Digital Marketing and Technology.

Saved over $60,000 per year in new employee costs
Elevated company presence and credibility by offering a set of new services to the clients, which resulted in $100,000 of new business in the first year.
Klear P.R. generated $25,000 of additional revenue through the network, by becoming a contributor.
Clear insight to where his money is spent, by accessing his business account on our portal. He can view his trusted network working on his projects in real-time 24 hours a day.
He can view which partner and contributors are working on his projects.
He can approve and reject contributors, Partners and strategies suggested to him by our network.
He can always ask for alternative solutions provided by experts with in 24hours, through his app.
He can spend his monthly budget on other services if needed. such as legal consultation, Event Management, Staffing, Design and Print.
And best of all: He can now LOG HIS THOUGHTS through our portal. “Log your Thought” app is always connected to our team of expert strategists and consultants. John can write his big ideas for his business, ask for expert advice on a particular challenge, and always be provided a trusted solution with in 24 hours.
He can ask for a contributor on the network to execute the provided strategy or request an alternative option to his challenges.
Most Importantly: He has purchased a winter home in France and is operating his business from a remote location. He spends more time with his family, has a clear view of the process. He communicates with his team directly through his phone from anywhere. sleeps well because he trusts his network of partners and contributors.
Andy Chan is a passionate content writer and strategist. He is 25 years old and has been working for the last 5 years. His purpose is writing and his dream is to publish his fiction novels in the next 10 years.

He has already switched 3 jobs in his short career and never been able to find the right fit. At his previous roles, he has been assigned to many unrelated projects that he did not feel passionate about. He is already tired of big office politics and only wants to focus on his passion.

Andy is confident, self managed and organized. He is entrepreneurial minded and always provides high quality results. He loves working at his home office and wants to be paid fairly for his skillset.

Big Challenges:

Hard to find a full time position as a writer
Always ends up doing something he doesn’t’t enjoy at his role
Job search and recruitment is time consuming and stressful
Loves to travel and does not want to be tied up in one location


As a contributor on our network of Purpose & Trust Economy, Andy is now able to receive projects that he truly loves working on. He has gone through our extensive professional and personal examination and his portfolio on the network demonstrates his skills, past projects and hours of contribution. If needed, he is teamed up with other contributors for bigger projects, only based on his personal profile, skills and ratings.


Always working on projects that fit his purpose and passion
Building a great portfolio as he works with reputable brands and partners
Can find more opportunities on the network that he feels excited about
Always works with other likeminded and passionate contributors, perfectly matched through the network’s AI profile pairing
No more interviews and job searching for Andy, he is assigned projects and guaranteed a number of hours.
He can spend his earnings on the network as a business, this helps him to start off his own small business if he wants.
He has more time to focus on his dream, fictional novel writing, in fact, his projects help him improve his skills constantly and learn from other contributors
Best of all: He is earning a steady income because he is not on a freelancer platform where he has to search for work constantly. He is on a trusted network that accepts new contributors ONLY when every existing member is fully booked.
Most Importantly: He is part of an economy. Trusted and transparent. Which means his work is valued. Once he reaches a certain amount of contribution hours on the network, he is invited to be a shareholder on the net profits. His shares will grow as he contributes more. The network always makes sure that he is busy and working.
He is paid his shares quarterly based on the overall profit on the network and his number of shares. This will be on top of his hourly rate. He is also rewarded with bonus shares in case he invites other businesses to the network.
Product Design

Product Design
