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Acid reflux - symptoms, causes and medications

What is Acid reflux?

Acid reflux is a condition in which a burning sensation with pain is felt in the lower and middle chest area also referred to as heartburn. This happens because of the acid in the stomach flows back up to the food pipe (Oesophagus). Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle at the bottom of the food pipe relaxes at the wrong time and lets the stomach acid to back up into the food pipe. Acid reflux is also called acid indigestion or pyrosis. When acid reflux occurs more than 2 times in a week then it is diagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD).

causes of Acid reflux:

Our stomach contains hydrochloric acid, a strong acid that is used to breaking down the food in the digestion process and helps to protect against pathogens. Our stomach's linings are made specially adapted to protect it from the strong acids but our esophagus is not protected. So, when the acid content of the stomach flows up into the esophagus we feel the burning pain sensation in our chest. Sometimes, it is called heartburn but there is nothing to do with the heart.

There are some common risk factors that leads can lead to acid reflux:

*Eating large amounts of a meal and lying just after the meal.
*Eating spicy food
*Being pregnant
*Eating snacks before bedtime
*Drinking beverages like alcohol, tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks
*Being overweight


Common symptoms of acid reflux you will see:

Heartburn: A burning pain in your stomach that moves to your food pipe.

Regurgitation: A sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your mouth.

Some other symptoms of acid reflux:

*Wheezing, dry cough, sore throat
*Black stool 
*Dysphagia: you will feel something is stuck in your throat

Medications for Acid reflux:

In many cases lifestyle changes with over-the-counter medicines can help you to get over from acid reflux and its symptoms:

Antacid which can be helpful:

*Alka-Seltzer Maalox

These antacids can help to neutralize the acid present in your stomach. If you want to buy any prescribed medicines you can easily buy it from 3MEDS the best online pharmacy app which provides the best medicines all over India.

If antacid doesn't work, your doctor may consider other medications. Maybe your doctor prescribes you to try a combination of medications such as:

*Foaming agent (Gaviscon): this is used to coat over the stomach to prevent acid reflux

*H2 blocker (Pepcid, Tagamet): this helps to decrease the acid production in the stomach 

*Proton pump inhibitors (Aciphex, Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix): these are also used to decrease the production of acid in the stomach 

*Prokinetics (Reglan, Urecholine): this can help to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), reduces acid reflux, and empty your stomach faster.

Do not take or combine any type of antacids with any other medications without your doctor's guidance.

Treating Acid reflux with diet and lifestyle changes:

Some things remind you to treat your acid reflux in your daily life by changing your diet and lifestyle:

*Eat a smaller meal at a time and modify the types of foods you are eating
*Avoid foods and drinks that trigger your acid reflux 
*Avoid wearing too tight clothes
*Practice relaxation exercise and techniques
*Lose excess weight
*Take a walk after every meal
*Quit smoking

There are herbal remedies which can also provide relief:

*Licorice root
*marshmallow root
*Slippery elm

Although these may be useful remedies more research is needed, some people report experiencing relief from acid reflux after taking these remedies but in some cases these herbal remedies side effects with other medications.


Acid reflux is a common and treatable condition. It is rarely life-threatening, with understanding its symptoms and causes properly we can treat it. if you change in your lifestyle and eating habits then you surely get relief from it. So, contact to best healthcare service provider to the best medication facilities for healthy living.

Acid reflux - symptoms, causes and medications

Acid reflux - symptoms, causes and medications
