Motherbird —'s profile

Handpicked Wines

Handpicked Wines
Odyssey Brand
— Art Direction
— Creative Direction
— Brand Identity
— Packaging Design
Collaboration is key

Odyssey is all about the individual and shared creative journeys taken by artists, designers, musicians and even winemakers around the world. With rosé label artwork by Romance Was Born, motion projections by Joyce N. Ho and product renderings by 3D2D it was truly an incredible team effort and the epitome of creative collaboration.
Outcome exceeded

Running for a 5 month period, Odyssey performed outstandingly. Instore sales were up by 170% during the campaign period, leading to the words “most companies couldn’t buy this outcome”, and growth in online wine sales in 2019 went up 27.6% compared to the previous year.
An international journey 

Launching across SE Asia and China the campaign has been hugely successful in helping to open up new markets. Creating a luxe product finish to Odyssey helped Handpicked get ranged as a premium wine in the top 3 supermarkets in Myanmar…not to mention it flew off the shelvessoon after.
Handpicked Wines

Handpicked Wines
