For the last 2 years I have been working with Unity and C# to prototype game ideas and concepts. Here are a selection of images and GIFs showing some work-in-progress.
Witchery is a Metroidvania concept I created in which abilities that the player used were based on a theory adopted by Greek and Roman philosophers called humorism, which is the idea that a person's health is dictated by a balance in the four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.

Using particles in Unity I was able to create some interesting weather and ability effects and I was particularly proud of the ability-selection menu with animated heart.
Exhume is an isometric game about digging your way through a dungeon by relocating blocks of overburden.

I was very happy with the random level generator I created that was able to create a walk-able path to each and every room without creating inaccessible areas.
Unity Prototypes

Unity Prototypes
