Disclaimer: This project is in no way promoting smoking. The use of cigarettes portrayed in these works is meant solely for artistic purposes.
Let me present to you yet another project in development. This time we are transporting back to 1920s-1930s into the world famous cabaret where the gems of talent are gathered and celebrated. It is owned by Constantine Mersades' sole heiress a.k.a. his niece Raquel Carlera. Said place is only a small fraction of a big story in development and two of the most talented performers, whom I shall present in this project, shall serve as a kind of a sneak peek. So do expect more content regarding this project.

               Verona Catena
Verona, crowned as "The most beautiful woman alive", worked as a model since her early childhood. However, after her boss mysteriously disappeared, so did Verona. That is until she conquered the spotlight once again as a performer at Carlera's cabaret.

               Meredith Alba
Meredith is a star performer at the cabaret. However, being a primadonna isn't enough for her and she is determined to climb her way up to the top no matter what or who stands in her way.

P.s. This drawing is older than my previous works, I really need to revisit it but since this is just a little preview, I thought it'd be alright to share.

This is just a sneak peek of a way bigger project that I work on and more content regarding it shall be published through time. Do share your opinions and thoughts below.

Smoking HOT

Smoking HOT
