Georgenes Claudino's profile

Ilustração Saltarelo - Coleção Spoleto - 2018

Dishes competition 2018
“A arte foi inspirada nas tradicionais danças italianas. A personagem feminina faz referência à ‘dança do talher’ num apetitoso prato de massa, embalada pela harmonia dos ingredientes. Assim como os instrumentos musicais fazem na música. Foi incrível participar da campanha do Spoleto! É gratificante perceber que a sua arte toca as pessoas e saber que dei um toque de cor na vida de alguém”.The art was inspired by traditional Italian dances. The female character refers to the ‘cutlery dance’ in an appetizing pasta dish, packed by the harmony of the ingredients. Just like musical instruments do in music. It was amazing to participate in the Spoleto campaign! It is gratifying to realize that your art touches people and to know that I have given a touch of color in someone's life"
The idea was to be inspired by Italian cuisine, daring as much as they could in illustrations, drawings or graphic projects. 

The Spoleto received more than 500 projects from designers, visual artists, illustrators or professionals related to art.
A specialized jury - formed by designers, artists and liberals, professionals and youtubers linked to gastronomy and culture - judged the submitted arts. 30 finalists were selected, who had their works available for popular vote.

The six most voted won the competition.
Ilustração Saltarelo - Coleção Spoleto - 2018

Ilustração Saltarelo - Coleção Spoleto - 2018


Creative Fields