Emily Patrick's profile

Dungeon and Dragons Campaign

During the course of this project, I have created two posters for a fictitious advertising campaign. The campaign focuses on Wizard's of the Coast, notorious for the creation of the game Dungeons and Dragons, among other popular games.
This photo comes from Harishan Kobalasingam on Unsplash. I added a 20-sided die to the end of the arrow because of the triangle face and its physical similarity with the top of an arrow. Instead of actually learning archery, which could take years, D&D players simply roll a 20-sided die to determine their success or failure.
This poster relates to a different aspect of D&D, the opportunity to engage a part of yourself that you wouldn't have access to in the course of your daily life. Role-playing games endeavor to activate aspects of your personality that you may be hiding from other. As a community, those who play D&D have a dedication to the story that isn't understood by many other people except for perhaps actors. This poster is trying to show that when you shine light on or through a part of you that may seem dark or uninteresting, it can bring color to your life that you didn't have before.
Dungeon and Dragons Campaign

Dungeon and Dragons Campaign
