Emily Reynolds Portfolio 
Sketches and Painting :
The above sketches and experimentation where created to help me find out what techniques worked well with my botanical photos that I had taken. I personally loved both watercolour and pencil drawing as it really shows detail and helps bring out the delicate properties of the flowers, coloured pencil drawing too was lovely but it was less effective at drawing out detail.
This painting of  a lemon I really enjoyed as the layers used in oil painting and attention to bringing out shadows and areas of light are realistic. I also love spending time perfecting my art as well as using layers to enhance colours.

The two microscopic photos taken here are beautiful in my opinion the detail created in each individual cell was fascinating to me and helped me discover ideas for my A level under the microscope pieces the bold colours where an inspiration for my final piece.
The piece above is good at showing the structures that I created using a cardboard and wallpapers the design is modern and shows a lovely range of colours that I also used in the previous experimentation.
This print was brilliant when I was creating my dress and wallpaper designs. The colours and linear tea brought out by the simple one lined drawing where exactly what I had hoped for when testing out which flowers would work best on my designs and fabrics.
This print was done using real flowers , their almost faded look gives this piece a more historic look which I like in comparison to my previous modern art. I thought the use of crushed flowers was clever as it used the natural dyes within the flower enhancing the natural properties that plants can bring to art.
The fluted and clean aspects of this screen print worked well with the electric blue colour it made the flowers stand out. I loved this piece to layer over other colours which is why I used the print in the below wallpaper.
Prints using real bubbles that I made using fairy liquid . I love this experiment as the bubbles came out really well and I like trying wax and painting into them using primary coloured watercolours.
Fabrics and dress design:
Resin and a wide range of medias including alcohol inks, acrylics, watercolours and string:
The above paintings where done using acrylics alcohol inks and string the bold colours and shiny texture of this piece where enhanced by the use of resin I loved working with this material during my A levels.
Cells, this piece was for my final A level , the colours and wide range of material on this 1m by 1m piece including alcohol inks, acrylics and watercolour which spread and created interesting patterns making it detailed and beautiful.
 I used a light box to set the cells on as I needed to bring out the metallic colours such as gold and silver also certain cells have fabric designs embeded in them adding to their uniqueness. 

